Canon EF 50mm F/1.8 STM Review

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Canon 50mm 1.8 STM Review
Canon 50mm F/1.8 STM Review


The Canon EF 50mm 1.8 STM is the third lens of the 50mm line for Canon, the first having been made in 1987 and redesigned in a variant in 1990. A quarter century later, the lens has been redesigned with the new STM focusing framework and another look, however, generally the optical configuration is unaltered.

The lens was intended to fit the EF (35mm) mount, and will likewise function on the EF-S mount for 1.6x sensor bodies, and also Canon’s current APS-H, 1.3x crop bodies. On these bodies, the proportionate field of view is 65mm and 80mm respectively.

The lens is accessible now for roughly $125.

Product Photos

Canon EF 50mm F/1.8 STM Specifications

General SpecificationCanon 50mm 1.8 STM
Focal Length50mm
Camera Mount TypeMetal Lens Mount Canon EF
Format Comitability35mm Film / Full-Frame Digital Sensor Canon (APS-C)
Angle of View46 degrees
Minimum Focus Distance14″ (35.56cm)
Magnification0.21x MM
Actual Weight5.61 oz (159g)
Aperture Range-Wide/ Long F1.8-16
Focus Ring Rotation77°
Lens Hood Included?No lens hood is incorporated with the lens.
Image StabilizationNo image stabilization features for this lens
Case Included?No case is incorporated into this kit.
Year Introduced?2015

Technical Specifications


Sharpness is already very good in the central point of the frame, at maximum aperture. The clarity slightly falls below the indicated levels towards the edges. Yet, stopping down will surely improve sharpness all across the frame. The peak performance is achieved at F1.8. At maximum aperture, clarity is actually excellent all across the frame and edges.

Chromatic Aberration:

Chromatic aberrations, or shadows at harsh complexity moves, are well controlled with a normal pixel width of 0.5 pixels or less at all aperture settings.

Photographers do not have to face the problem of colored edges at sharp contrasts in the corners of the photos. This “lateral chromatic aberration” is not noticeable in transition.

Of course, just like with all other bright lenses, one may notice the color “bokeh”, which may appear on the entire frame, as purple and green edges. This form of chromatic aberration only appears at full aperture. Nevertheless, a small stopping down is the best remedy for this type of chromatic aberration.

Shading or ”Vignetting”:

Photographers may already know that in a fast prime, the shading makes an appearance once the lens is utilized at wide aperture settings. The shading or vignetting may actually be quite interesting for those subjects or portraiture where one would like to attract the eye toward the central point of the image.
The issue is fairly enhanced at F2.2 and vastly improved at F2.8. And when you reach F4, vignetting actually becomes unnoticeable.


The Canon 50 mm 1.8 STM delivers a slight measure of barrel distortion. However, this is not a problem.

You won’t have any issues with noticeable distortion with this Canon 50 mm 1.8 STM lens model. There is a 0.25% distortion measured. As a matter of fact, you cannot even observe that proportion.

Buy This Lens If:

Canon’s 50mm 1.8 STM is an awesome lens for the learner, specialist, enthusiast or even the expert who likes to harsh and tumble their hardware.

50 mm lenses are much of the time utilized as a part of style, portraiture, lifestyle, documentary, weddings, games, engineering, scene and general studio applications including item photography. As noticed, some of the great applications for this lens incorporate individuals as subjects.

Thus, you should decide on this lens if you wish to shoot subjects, portraits, landscapes, night photography, or even if you prefer video images more.

Nevertheless, this lens is great for outdoor photography, natural light, and wide frames.

Don’t Buy This Lens If:

In case wish to utilize this lens as your regular lens since its “normal focal length” you may be disappointed. A large portion of the common picture takers who wish to purchase this lens doesn’t understand that their camera body may really mess around with the focal length. Particularly insides are a bit narrow, making it impossible to fit everything fundamental into the frame.

The reason I tell you this is the way that a large portion of photographers who purchase the Canon 50 mm 1.8 STM don’t have any idea of what they are really purchasing. For this reason, it is always best to understand which camera body you are going to utilize this lens model with and if they are a good fit. So, keep in mind that this camera is not perfectly suitable for indoors.


At the point when a lens is valued this low, you are willing to overlook some of its deficiencies. This “Canon 50mm 1.8 STM Review” shows this lens is sharp, yet its self-adjust engine is on the moderate side and it demonstrates some issues at its wider apertures. The STM engine is engaging when recording video, yet an absence of adjustment is going to give your handheld footage an anxious look.


At $125, the Canon 50 mm 1.8 STM is a considerable measure of a lens! On the off chance that I was beginning with Canon for photography, I would run with this lens for about $125 and put the rest of the money towards a plane ticket to use my equipment!

Walk through the below video to see the sample photos of the lens.

You Can Get The Lens From My Recommended Retailer: Amazon

>>Check Here All Canon Lens Reviews<<

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