Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM Review

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The 24-70mm F4 incorporates one generally irregular element – a full-scale mode presenting up to 0.70x amplification,  by extending the zoom lock switch and turning the zoom ring past 70mm. This is supplemented by Canon’s “Hybrid IS” that is particularly intended to give better execution for close-ups than ordinary IS frameworks (which have a tendency to be ineffectual for full-scale work). General this ought to add helpful additional capacity contrasted with most other standard zooms.

Besides that, the particular is much as we had anticipated from a Canon optic. This lens is splash- and dust-safe, including an elastic seal all around the mount. It joins a ring-sort ultrasonic motor for quick, noiseless self-adjusting, and comes with full-time manual focus. Moreover, the aperture utilizes a 9-bladed roundabout iris for an appealing result of blurred backgrounds, in addition to the front component that has a unique mark safe “fluorine” covering. On paper, at any rate, this all resembles an appealing bundle.

Product Photos:

Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM Specifications

General SpecificationCanon EF 24-70mm f/4L IS USM
Focal Length24 - 70mm
Camera Mount TypeCanon EF
Format ComitabilityCanon 35mm/APS-C
Angle of View84°-34°
Minimum Focus Distance11.81”
Actual Weight21.2 oz
Aperture Range-Wide/ Long F4.0-22
Focus Ring Rotation108°
Lens Hood Included?Y / EW-83L
Image StabilizationYES
Case Included?Y / CL-1225
Year Introduced? 2012

Technical Specifications


Sharpness is consistently high over the entire central length range. The picture focus is marginally more honed than the edges and the corners, yet even totally open the corners still are great. Stopping down from F4 to F5.6 and then F8 gives a slight increment in sharpness in the middle and for the edges, however, the change is little. Halting down to F11 and littler gaps results in diminished sharpness in light of diffraction-related softening.

This is a lens that could be shot completely open without stressing over giving up picture quality. Be that as it may on the off chance that you request extreme edge-to-edge sharpness and mean to make huge prints, halting down to F8 will give you marginally better sharpness.

Chromatic Aberration:

Chromatic aberration is exceptionally well controlled all through the central length range. It does not fluctuate much in degree as this lens is zoomed from 24mm to 70mm and it is at a sufficiently low level that it is unrealistic to be a problem. Seeing pictures at 100% it’s scarcely perceivable toward the edges of the picture. It could be consequently adjusted for in-camera JPEGs with the EOS bodies that support the capacity or it could be naturally redressed when RAW documents are handled in Canon’s DPP programming.

Shading or ”Vignetting”:

At 24mm vignetting is entirely discernible. Open at F4 the corners are around 2 stops darker than what we see in the center of the photo. Ceasing down aides, yet notwithstanding halting down up to F11 still leaves the corners right around a stop darker than the inside. With this lens, vignetting can be adjusted in-camera by cameras supporting that element (e.g. EOS 6D), or it can be redressed on RAW documents utilizing Canon’s supplied DPP programming.

Vignetting turns out to be less serious as the lens is zoomed out. For the 35-70mm territory, there is around a stop of corner obscuring at F4 and around half stop at F5.6.

Vignetting is considerably less of an issue if the lens is used with a crop sensor camera body.


Distortion is observable at 24mm where it gauges at around – 2.5% barrel distortion. In the focal point of the zoom, distortion is minimized and at the long end of the reach, it changes into pincushion distortion. Moreover, at 70mm, it is around +0.7% barrel distortion. Again distortion could be adjusted when RAW records are handled in Canon’s DPP programming.

Buy this lens if:

For a standard zoom lens, the central length gives you awesome wide-point abilities. You cover significantly a greater amount of the landscape with 24mm than the less expensive 28mm lenses offer. This lens is useful for scene pictures, gatherings of individuals, individual representations, structures, or family reunions. It’s one of those broadly useful lenses that you can’t survive without and that you’d unquestionably take on vacation. On the off chance that you would like to zoom in on something, 105mm is a moderate telephoto length that is useful for that too.

The minimized size and moderately light weight of the lens make it an appealing choice for wedding picture takers, architectural photography, and individuals who capture social events photos. It could likewise be helpful for scene photography when utilized with full-frame cameras.

Don’t Buy this lens if:

In case you’re content with the execution you have seen so far, and you need the image stabilization and large scale abilities of this 24-70mm, then you ought to be content with your buy. On the off chance that you request supreme picture quality in this scope of focal lengths, then you must be set up to put resources into the Canon 24-70mm F2.8L II USM.

As a general-purpose lens, this 24-70mm focal length is just a bit limited. Obviously, that is no chance sufficiently long for genuine wildlife photography. This is the reason you will probably need to join this lens with an extra telephoto zoom lens, for example, the EF 100-400mm/ F4.5-5.6L IS USM.


Albeit generally expensive, I observed this lens to be a decent entertainer in an exceptionally focused lens classification. Ready to deliver quite sharp pictures all through its zoom range, it comes with a few valuable elements that will pull in genuine photographic artists searching for more flexibility than some contending lenses give.

Built-in stabilization is an honest reward and the large scale capacity, however, it has restrictions, could be a key component for some potential buyers. Most clients will have the capacity to adapt to the moderately low level of distortion for this kind of lens and to the bokeh effect that can be entirely pleasant in full-scale shots.

One More Thing..

This lens is smaller, lighter, and around $700 less costly than the 24-70/ F2.8L IS USM II. On top of that, it is additionally an exceptionally helpful full-scale lens.

Walk through the below video to see the sample photos of the lens.

You Can Get The Lens From My Recommended Retailer: Amazon

>>Check Here All Canon Lens Reviews<<

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  • Great info on this Canon lens. I have a particular interest in this type of photography and appreciate the details you’ve provided here. I am impressed with the image quality and overall specifications of this full scale lens. Your photos and video of sample photos taken with the lens are very helpful, along with the recommendation that includes pluses and minuses. Thanks again.

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