How to Use a Lens Hood: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re a photography enthusiast, you’ve probably heard about lens hoods. But what exactly are they? Well, a lens hood is a simple and yet incredibly useful accessory that attaches to the front of your camera lens. It’s like a little hat for your lens! Its primary purpose is to block unwanted light from entering the lens, which can cause issues like lens flare and reduce image contrast.

Lens hoods come in various shapes and sizes, depending on the lens they are designed for. The most common types are round and petal-shaped lens hoods. Round hoods are typically used with prime lenses, while petal-shaped hoods are ideal for zoom lenses since they provide more coverage without vignetting.

How to Use a Lens Hood

Photo by Samson Katt

Why Use a Lens Hood?

Using a lens hood can significantly improve the quality of your photos, and that’s not just a photographer’s myth! When shooting outdoors, sunlight and other light sources can hit your lens from various angles, leading to unwanted glare and reflections. But fear not! The lens hood is here to save the day!

By blocking out these stray lights, lens hoods help prevent lens flare and ghosting, which can ultimately result in crisper, more vibrant images. Not only that, but they also add a layer of protection for your lens. If you accidentally bump into something while shooting or set your camera down a bit too carelessly, the lens hood can act as a buffer, shielding the lens from damage.

Finally, a valuable advantage of the lens hood is the added layer of protection it offers for your lens. While some photographers rely on UV filters or lens caps for external protection, lens hoods provide extra defense against accidental impacts, scratches, fingerprints, rain, snow, dust, and other debris.

Especially beneficial in challenging weather conditions, lens hoods ensure your lens remains unaffected, allowing you to focus on capturing stunning photos without worrying about potential damage.

Types of Lens Hoods

Lens hoods aren’t one-size-fits-all accessories; they come in different shapes and sizes to accommodate various lenses. The two main types are round lens hoods and petal-shaped lens hoods. Both have their unique advantages, but understanding their differences can help you make the right choice for your photography needs.

  • Petal-shaped lens hoods, also known as tulip hoods, have a distinct design with curved edges resembling flower petals. They are commonly used with zoom lenses and wide-angle The curved edges provide more coverage for the wider angles of zoom lenses, minimizing the risk of vignetting.

How to Use a Lens Hood

  • Round lens hoods are simpler in design and well-suited for prime lenses with fixed focal lengths. They offer uniform shading around the lens and are effective at reducing glare when light is coming from various directions.

How to Use a Lens Hood

Solid and Foldable, Collapsible Lens Hood

Lens hoods come in two main types: solid and foldable (also known as collapsible). Solid lens hoods are fixed and offer consistent protection against glare and unwanted light. They are a permanent accessory for your lens, providing optimal performance.

On the other hand, foldable or collapsible lens hoods are designed for convenience and portability. These hoods can retract, making them easy to store and carry. When needed, you can extend and lock them into position, providing the same glare-reducing benefits as solid hoods.

How to Use a Lens Hood

Lens hoods come in different materials, each with its own set of characteristics:

  • Plastic: Plastic lens hoods are the most common and versatile. They are lightweight, durable, and provide decent protection for your lens. Plastic hoods are a popular choice among photographers due to their affordability and effectiveness.
  • Rubber: Rubber hoods are compact and can be easily rolled up without detaching them from the lens, saving space in your camera bag. However, they have some drawbacks. Rubber hoods are less durable and can tear over time. Additionally, their softness may offer limited protection for the lens glass.

How to Use a Lens Hood

  • Metal: Metal hoods are primarily found on older lenses. While they have a sturdy build, they don’t offer significant advantages over plastic hoods. Modern plastic hoods perform just as well, if not better, making them the preferred choice for most photographers.

In addition to the manufacturer’s lens hoods, there are also third-party options available. These can be more affordable while maintaining similar quality. Just make sure to choose a lens hood that matches the diameter of your lens correctly.

In conclusion, lens hoods are indispensable accessories for any photographer, whether you’re a professional or a hobbyist. They not only enhance the quality of your photos but also provide added protection for your valuable lenses.

How Lens Hoods Reduce Glare

How to Use a Lens Hood

Glare can be a frustrating problem for photographers, causing washed-out images and reduced contrast. Thankfully, lens hoods come to the rescue! These nifty accessories work by blocking stray light from entering the lens.

When bright light sources, such as the sun or artificial lights, hit the front of the lens, they can create reflections and flares that degrade the image quality. Lens hoods create a shadow around the lens, preventing these unwanted rays from reaching the glass, thus reducing glare and improving the overall clarity of your photos.

Impact on Image Quality

Lens hoods play a crucial role in maintaining excellent image quality. By reducing glare and reflections, they help produce photos with better contrast, color saturation, and sharpness. When shooting outdoors, the sunlight can be unpredictable, causing harsh lighting conditions. With a lens hood, you can have more control over the light entering the lens, resulting in well-balanced exposures and enhanced details.

Moreover, lens hoods act as a protective barrier for your precious lenses. They can shield the front element from potential damage caused by accidental bumps, scratches, or even raindrops. This added protection ensures your lenses stay in pristine condition for years to come.

How to Use a Lens Hood

Photo by Sam Lion

How to select the proper lens hood

  • Matching Lens Hood to Lens

When it comes to choosing the right lens hood, it’s essential to find one that matches your specific lens. Each lens is designed differently, and using the correct lens hood ensures optimal performance.

How to Use a Lens Hood

To determine the right lens hood, check the diameter of your lens. Most lenses have this information marked on the front or in the lens manual. Once you know the diameter, you can easily find a compatible lens hood that snaps or screws onto the front of your lens securely.

Using the correct lens hood not only blocks unwanted light effectively but also prevents any vignetting or dark corners in your images. So, take a moment to find the perfect fit for your lens before your next photography session.

  • Rectangular vs. Circular Filters Compatibility

Photographers often use filters to enhance their images, but how do they work alongside lens hoods? Depending on the type of filter you use, you may need to consider compatibility with your lens hood.

Circular filters, such as UV filters or polarizers, generally pose no compatibility issues with most lens hoods. Since they attach directly to the lens, you can easily switch them with the lens hood.

However, rectangular filters, like graduated ND filters or square filter systems, require a filter holder that may interfere with the traditional mounting of a lens hood.

  • Third-Party Lens Hoods

While most lenses come with their dedicated lens hoods, you can also explore third-party options. Third-party lens hoods are often more affordable and can offer similar quality to the original hoods.

When considering third-party lens hoods, make sure to check reviews and compatibility with your specific lens model. Some third-party hoods may not fit as snugly or might not provide the same level of protection as the manufacturer’s original hood.

However, many reputable third-party brands offer excellent alternatives. Just ensure that the lens hood’s size and design match your lens requirements, and you’ll have a budget-friendly accessory that does the job just as effectively.

Attaching and Detaching Lens Hoods

  • Correct Mounting Process

Attaching a lens hood is a breeze once you know the right steps. Start by identifying the hood’s matching orientation mark – it’s usually denoted by a small white dot or line. Align this mark with your lens’s designated hood mounting point.

Once aligned, gently twist the lens hood clockwise until you feel a firm click. Make sure it’s securely attached to avoid any accidental detaching during your photo session. The correct mounting process ensures that the lens hood effectively blocks stray light and enhances image quality.

  • Removing the Lens Hood

Removing the lens hood is just as simple as attaching it. While holding the lens barrel firmly with one hand, use your other hand to twist the hood counterclockwise. You’ll feel it loosen, and then you can gently slide it off the lens.

When removing the lens hood, take care not to apply excessive force, as this might damage the lens or the hood itself. Once detached, you can stow the lens hood in your camera bag or attach it in reverse for space-saving storage.

Remember, a lens hood is a valuable tool for your photography, so always ensure it’s properly attached before you start shooting. Likewise, when you’re done using it, remove it carefully to keep your gear in top condition.

  • Storing and Transportation

When traveling, you’ll want to optimize the storage of your lens hoods to save space in your bag. Although lightweight, hoods can become bulky if simply thrown into a pocket.

One effective method is to remove all the lens hoods and stack them within one another. While not always possible with every lens set, some hoods fit neatly together, creating a more compact arrangement

Alternatively, you can reverse the hood on your specific lens for transportation. This works for most hoods on the market, except for those built-in wide-angle lenses. By doing so, you can make the hoods look more like this, optimizing space and ensuring safe and efficient travel.

How to Use a Lens Hood

Using a Lens Hood Effectively

  • Avoiding Lens Flare

Lens flare occurs when non-image light deviates from its intended path, reflecting multiple times within lens elements before reaching the digital sensor. Lens manufacturers apply anti-reflective coatings to minimize flare, but complete elimination is challenging, especially in multi-element lenses.

The intensity of the light source determines the significance of the flare. Sunlight, artificial lighting, and reflective surfaces around the subject can induce flare if outside the angle of view.

Lens flare can be a pesky problem for photographers, causing unwanted artifacts and reducing image clarity. Thankfully, lens hoods come to the rescue! By casting a shadow over the lens, they prevent direct light from hitting the glass, thus reducing the chances of lens flare.

When shooting outdoors, especially with a bright light source like the sun in the frame, lens flare becomes more likely. By using a lens hood, you can block this stray light and capture images with enhanced contrast and sharpness.

How to Use a Lens Hood

Image by stokpic from Pixabay

Photographers commonly recognize two types of lens flare: ghosting flare and veiling flare. While they often appear together, high-quality lenses with multi-coated surfaces can notably reduce veiling flare in images.

Ghosting Flare:

Ghosting flare, also known as “ghosting,” encompasses all artifacts visible in the image, including reflections of bright sources or polygonal shapes based on the lens diaphragm’s design.

How to Use a Lens Hood

The lens hood acts as a barrier, shielding the lens from these stray rays of light. This way, you can achieve cleaner and crisper images, free from distracting artifacts. When shooting in challenging lighting conditions, don’t forget to utilize your lens hood to minimize ghosting and halos.

Veiling Flare:

Veiling flare occurs when a bright light source is outside the lens’s angle of view, not captured in the image, but its light rays still reach the front lens element. This results in a noticeable lack of contrast and a hazy appearance, with dark areas becoming brighter and colors bleeding, leading to a washed-out effect.

How to Use a Lens Hood

Photo by Kai Pilger

Lens Hood Techniques for Different Scenarios

  • Outdoor Photography

Outdoor photography often involves dealing with challenging lighting conditions, such as harsh sunlight or bright reflections. To tackle these issues, using a lens hood is a must!

When shooting under the sun, attach your lens hood to prevent lens flare and reduce glare. This will help maintain image clarity and contrast, resulting in more vibrant and well-balanced photos.

Additionally, when capturing landscapes or wide-angle shots, opt for a petal-shaped lens hood. Its design provides maximum coverage, minimizing the risk of vignetting and ensuring consistent image quality.

  • Indoor Photography

Indoor photography can have its share of lighting challenges too, especially in low-light conditions or when dealing with artificial light sources. While lens flare might not be as prevalent indoors, ghosting and reflections can still occur.

To minimize these unwanted effects, keep your lens hood on even when shooting indoors. The lens hood acts as a protective barrier against stray light, maintaining image sharpness and reducing artifacts caused by reflections.

  • Backlit Subjects

Backlit subjects are undoubtedly captivating, but they can also pose exposure challenges. When the light source is behind your subject, lens flare becomes a concern.

To handle backlit situations effectively, position yourself and your camera to block the direct light hitting the lens. Additionally, use your lens hood to cast a shadow over the lens and minimize flare. This technique will help you capture stunning backlit images with balanced exposures.

Photo by Max Rahubovskiy

Lens Hood FAQs

If you’re a photography enthusiast, you may have some questions about lens hoods. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here are the answers to the top 10 FAQs about lens hoods:

  1. Will a Lens Hood Vignette the Image?

When using the correct lens hood for your lens, vignetting is unlikely to occur. Modern lens hoods are designed to avoid this issue.

  1. Can I Use a Lens Hood for Zoom Lenses?

Yes, petal-shaped hoods work well with zoom lenses, providing maximum coverage and reducing glare effectively.

  1. Can I Leave the Lens Hood on All the Time?

You can leave the lens hood on most of the time, as it provides additional protection and doesn’t significantly impact photo quality.

  1. Are Third-Party Lens Hoods as Good as Manufacturer’s Hoods?

Many third-party lens hoods are high-quality and offer similar performance to manufacturers’ hoods. Just ensure they fit your lens correctly.

  1. Can I Use a Lens Hood with Filters?

Yes, in most cases, you can use a lens hood with filters. Circular filters usually don’t interfere with the hood, but check compatibility for rectangular or square filters.

  1. Does the lens hood affect autofocus or image stabilization?

In most cases, the lens hood won’t affect autofocus or image stabilization performance.

  1. Can I use a lens hood for video recording?

Lens hoods are useful for video recording as they help reduce glare and improve video quality.

  1. Will a lens hood protect against rain?

A lens hood can offer some protection against light rain or splashes, but it’s not fully waterproof.

  1. When is it better to avoid using lens hoods?

Despite their numerous benefits, there are specific cases where using a lens hood may not be suitable for your photography. Here are the main situations to consider:

  • Flare Effect: If you want to create a deliberate flare effect in your photo for artistic purposes, omitting the lens hood can achieve this look.
  • Smaller Sensor: Some lenses are intended for smaller sensors, and using the lens hood might result in capturing it in your photos. In such cases, you may choose to go without the hood.
  • Filters or Accessories: When using certain filters or lens accessories that occupy the same mounting area, you may not be able to attach the lens hood simultaneously.
  • Wind Interference: In windy conditions, the lens hood may catch the wind and cause your photos to appear blurry. It’s best to remove the hood in such situations for sharper results.


Lens hoods are invaluable tools for photographers, reducing lens flare, ghosting, and unwanted glare. They enhance image quality, producing crisper, more vibrant photos. With proper attachment and use, lens hoods protect your valuable lenses from accidental impacts and debris. Whether shooting outdoors, indoors, or capturing backlit subjects, lens hoods play a vital role in ensuring top-notch photography results.

Remember to match the lens hood to your lens diameter for optimal performance. Leave the lens hood on whenever you shoot to maintain protection and improve image quality. While using filters, ensure compatibility with the lens hood. Explore third-party lens hood options, but choose reputable brands. Clean your lens hood regularly for better results.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the article, in case you have any questions just drop them below & I will be happy to answer you.

The featured Photo by Nguyen Hung

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  • Wow, this article provided such a detailed and comprehensive guide on using lens hoods! As an amateur photographer, I’ve always been curious about their purpose and how they work. The explanation about how lens hoods block unwanted light to prevent lens flare and improve image quality makes so much sense. The tips on choosing the right lens hood, attaching and detaching it correctly, and even storing it properly for travel are incredibly helpful. I appreciate the breakdown of different scenarios like outdoor, indoor, and backlit photography, explaining how lens hoods can enhance results in each situation. This article has definitely inspired me to make better use of lens hoods in my photography journey. Thanks for sharing such valuable insights!

    • I’m delighted to hear that you found the article on using lens hoods detailed and informative! It’s wonderful that the explanation of their purpose and benefits resonated with you. I’m glad you appreciated the practical tips on choosing, attaching, and storing lens hoods, as well as the insights into different photography scenarios.

      Lens hoods indeed play a crucial role in improving image quality by minimizing unwanted light and lens flare. I’m thrilled that the article has inspired you to explore using lens hoods to enhance your photography journey. If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to learn about, feel free to reach out. Happy shooting!

  • To be honest I had seen these hoods countless times on cameras and I was always wondering if they are some special accessory and what exactly is their use. Now my question is answered and really it makes great sense to have one of these if you are shooting outside in broad daylight. It can really make a difference.

    • I’m glad the article clarified the purpose of lens hoods for you! They are indeed valuable accessories, especially for outdoor photography in bright conditions. Using a lens hood can significantly improve image quality by reducing glare and unwanted light. Happy shooting with your newfound knowledge!

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