Canon EF 70-300mm F4-5.6L IS USM Review

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Canon EF 70-300mm F4-5.6L IS USM


Construct quality is by desires for an L-series focal point and the grey metal barrel has a somewhat finished surface and feels extremely strong, besides the fact that they produced the metal mount using stainless steel.

The focus is inner and the front component does not pivot when either the center or central length is altered. This mainly implies you can utilize angle-critical channels like polarisers without readjusting them, which is convenient as the tube-shaped hood makes this inconceivable when it is in place.

The focal point is provided with an ET-73B model round hood, which connects using a pike mount, however, can be precarious to fit and expel because resistances are truly tight. Also, front and end tops are additionally given, alongside the LP1424 lens case.

While Canon has been utilizing fluorine on sensors for a considerable length of time, this Canon Lens is the principal lens to get this treatment. Fluorine covering has been connected to the 70-300 L lens on the front and back components.

Product Photos:

Canon EF 70-300mm F4-5.6L IS USM Specifications

General SpecificationCanon EF 70-300mm F4-5.6L IS USM
Focal Length70 - 300mm
Camera Mount TypeCanon EF
Format ComitabilityFull Frame, APS-C
Angle of View6.5 - 29
Minimum Focus Distance47.2”
Actual Weight1050g
Aperture Range-Wide/ Long f/4-32 / f/5.6-45

Focus Ring Rotation150°
Lens Hood Included?YES / ET-73B
Image StabilizationYes
Case Included?YES / LP1424
Year Introduced?2010

Technical Specifications


Once your wallet has recouped from purchasing an L focal point, you can get the chance to see precisely why they’re estimated as they seem to be. Sharpness is predictable all through all gaps at all central settings. Truth be told, at 70mm, I cannot perceive any variety in sharpness in any photos. Edge definition is less predictable indicating more variety in sharpness.

Similarly, as with 70mm, there is little contrast between the more honed gap settings and when it is totally open or shut down at 100mm. I can distinguish a slight move in sharpness at the edges with the more honed outcomes showing up at around F/5.6 – fF11.

At 200mm execution tumbles off marginally. Utilized open at F/5, speaking about sharpness, there is a little sweet spot in the middle, moving to slightly delicate quality in the corners. Halting down enhances this execution, yet doesn’t give tack-sharp outcomes. The most efficient central length is tied between F/5.6 and F/11. At 300mm, execution is practically the same as that mentioned at 200mm.

Chromatic Aberration:

The lens manages chromatic aberration exceptionally well, indicating just light fuchsia green bordering in territories of high complexity, and just recognizable toward the edges of the picture. These edges are most perceptible with the focal point utilized at extreme zoom ranges, meaning 300mm or 70mm, with the best execution, appeared at 200mm.

Shading or ”Vignetting”:

Mounted on a sub-frame sensor camera, the light falloff is not detectable with this focal point. On a full-outline camera, the light falloff is just observable with the focal point being utilized open; for this situation, the corners are around 2/3 EV darker. Be that as it may, simply stop the focal point around 1 – stop, and then fall off dips under 1/4EV or become irrelevant.


Shockingly, there is not any distortion found on pictures while utilizing the lens with sub-frame bodies, for example, the 7D. It is just when utilized on full outline that any bigger distortion is recognized. For this situation, it is the standard mix of pincushion and barrel, with the barrel (enlarged) distortion observed at the end, beneath 100mm. Also, pincushion (pressed) distortion is detectable at 200-300mm.

Buy this lens if:

A 70-something mm zoom focal point supplements a general-use lens pleasantly.

Videographers will value the smooth 150º centering ring revolution and subject surroundings that do not change with centering. The zoom ring pivot is 92º and extremely smooth.

A generally light, extremely hand-holdable, top-notch 70-300mm focal point has a considerable measure of employment. From wildlife to people, from scene to sports (in good light), from the terrace to the shoreline. The Canon L IS USM lens has a decent second focal point and universally useful characteristics.

If portraits are your essential use for this focal point, the 70mm on the L’s wide end is most likely going to be more valuable to you.

Don’t buy this lens:

The main exceptionally small downfall is the weight, which is somewhat substantial. In any case, given the way that it is manufactured, it will presumably outlast most photographers.

Do not require IS? The EF 70- 200mm F4.0L USM[popup_anything id=”9340″] lens is a deal. I suggest this focal point now and again. The 70-200 F/4 has an edge in focal point of the out-of-line picture quality, however, the 70-300 L is better in the corners.


The lens did not deliver tack-sharp outcomes, yet it created a reliably decent picture at each central length, with great management of chromatic aberration. While you can positively spend less cash to get a similar scope of central lengths, the construct quality and mechanical amazingness of the Canon mirrors the value point – it is a focal point you will not be hesitant to take anyplace.

Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM Sweet spot:

To get the best from this lens I recommend to shot at a Focal length of 135mm & aperture F/5.6, at 70/200 mm also use F/5.6 don’t go below that aperture to get the best sharpness of this lens, however the different focal length 70, 135, 200 & 300 perform well only if you keep the aperture between F/5.6-F11.

One more thing:

All things considered, I would state this focal point is great and worth each penny it offers. For that, I prescribe to the individuals who can bear the cost of the somewhat soak confirmation cost. I would likewise wish the focal point would be somewhat quicker, however, it is now costly and sufficiently overwhelming as it seems to be!

You Can Get The Lens From My Recommended Retailer

Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM

>>Check Here All Canon Lens Reviews<<

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  • I am not good at photography and I don’t know much about a camera lens, but I am intrested in learning more. Does the focal length give your picture a better resolution? I’m actually intrested in buying one, but I don’t know where to begin looking. Do you prefer a 70-300mm or a 55-250mm? Which one do you prefer and why?

    • Hi Jamiro,

      You can read more focal length here.

      Well I prefer the 70-300mm as it’s sharper at different apertures and focal lengths than the 55-250mm, all L lenses beat easily EF-S lenses as they are made of good quality glass, so comparison isn’t fair here and you can clearly see from the huge price difference between both.

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