Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Review

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Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM


This the principal Canon lens outfitted with Nano USM, another kind of focusing motor that joins the advantages of an ultrasonic motor for rapid AF amid still photograph shooting and lead-screw sort stepping motor for smooth and calm motion picture AF, and enhanced AF speeds up to 4.3x and 2.5x (Wide) speedier than the past model. The Canon lens additionally offers 4 F-stops of image stabilization. Another lens hood, the EW-73D, is incorporated with the new lens.

To further upgrade the usability when shooting motion pictures with a DLSR or Cinema EOS camera, Canon is presenting the “Power Zoom Adapter PZ-E1”, particularly developed to be good with the configuration of the new Canon EF-S18-135/ F3.5-5.6 IS USM. The Canon Adapter is the world’s first separable zoom connector that gives quiet and smooth zoom and can be balanced incrementally to 10 diverse levels of zoom speed. Moreover, the PZ-E1 can be controlled remotely utilizing the Camera Connect application.

Notwithstanding the new lens and force zoom connector, Canon is presenting the first external microphone, suitable for the EOS framework, the Canon Stereo Microphone DM-E1. This new fill amplifier will enhance sound quality while shooting video, permitting clients to pivot the heading of the receiver all over from 90 to 120 degrees contingent upon the shooting circumstance. The DM-E1’s sturdy mount development decreases camera operation clamor and also lens drive sounds, and is created to withstand the rigors of an assortment of shooting circumstances.

Product Photos:

Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Specifications

General SpecificationCanon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Focal Length18 -135mm
Camera Mount TypeCanon EF-S
Format ComitabilityCanon APS-C
Angle of View74�20’–11�30
Minimum Focus Distance15.4”
Actual Weight18.2 oz
Aperture Range-Wide/ Long f/3.5-22 / f/5.6-38
Focus Ring Rotation245°
Lens Hood Included?YES / EW-73D
Image StabilizationYES
Case Included?N / LP1116
Year Introduced?2016

Technical Specifications


With the light bowing the minimum in the focal point of the picture (center of the frame), this is the place most lenses are getting it done. At 18mm, the Canon EF-S 18-135mm IS USM lens has great sharpness in the focal point of the edge and loses little until the corners. The extreme corners are reasonably soft and enhance as the aperture is ceased down, however, they never turn out to be sharp. Besides the corners, halting down has little effect on sharpness.

Completely open picture quality disintegrates to some degree through 35mm and 50mm, enhances at 85mm, and somewhat decays again at 135mm, for the most part, detectable mid-outline, and in the corners. But extreme corners again trail the focal point of the edge.

Chromatic Aberration:

At 24 mm compelling central length the EF-S 15-85mmIS USM demonstrates a huge measure of barrel distortion. That is not pleasant but rather consider that this lens is more extensive by a few mm than say the unit lens EF-S 18-55mm IS II. Even at 24 mm lenses can perform much better as to distortion. Contrast the comparable estimated EF-S 10-22mm F3.5-4.5 USM at the same central length to perceive how well distortion could be controlled.

Lamentably distortion can’t be lessened by ceasing down, so on the off chance that you require a distortion-free picture go for more central lengths (or write it in a post). At 35 mm and upwards the EF-S 15-85mm IS USM demonstrates just slight barrel (and from 50 mm some pincushion) distortion.

Shading or ”Vignetting”:

Vignetting, or peripheral shading, is somewhat very controlled in this lens, in any event all around controlled concerning different lenses utilized at their open openings. Expect an unobtrusively obvious measure of corner shading, between 1 and 1.5 stops, at completely open openings. The good news is that by F8, vignetting is gone.


This lens has a perceptible measure of barrel distortion at the wide end, bringing about subjects in the focal point of the edge to show up somewhat augmented concerning the topic in the sides and corners of the casing. A significant part of the time this distortion won’t be seen, yet if a straight line is running along the edges of the edge, the arch will be exceptionally clear.

Buy this lens if:

In the event that you shoot both video and stills and want a 7.5X zoom go, this is the right lens for you. With 24 mm central length at its wide end and 136 mm at its telephoto end, the EF-S 15-85mm F3.5-5.6 IS USM is a perfect partner for an assortment of shots from gatherings of individuals to individual pictures, scenes, plants, structures, general travel and so forth.. In the event that you are on a trip and do not know precisely what you are going to photo take a broadly useful lens like this one with you to ensure you have a lot of choices. An element that DSLR cameras and lenses are fancied for is their capacity to make an unequivocally blurred background. Even though this lens does not have the most extensive apertures accessible at the telephoto central lengths, it is sufficiently long to amplify the blurred backgrounds it creates – bringing about exceptionally strong blurs.

The new Power Zoom Adapter fits on the base of the lens (the main compatible lens up to now) and is held with a locking lever. Moreover, it is perfect for any circumstance where zooming is required, including documentary and news shooting, and also when shooting motion pictures. Slider switches on the connector permit clients to choose amongst moderate and quick zoom speeds and power or manual zoom control.

Don’t Buy this lens if:

Surprisingly, there is not much to write here. The versatility of this newly introduced lens in amazing. There is just one thing you should observe. On the off chance that you mostly shoot stills, the EF-S 15-85mm IS USM and EF-S 17-55mm F2.8 IS USM might be the better decision, yet heavier and more costly.


This is a decent broad-use zoom and I admire the small size, the zoom range, the AF smoothness and speed, and also the sharpness of this lens. Combined with the 80D, it makes a brilliantly flexible, lightweight and nimble travel combo. You will feel certain to shoot by and large and come back with sharp pictures and recordings.

One More Thing.

In general, the EF-S 15-85 F3.5-5.6 IS USM is surely one of Canon’s top of the line offerings and has its sticker price for a justifiable reason.

Walk through the below video to see the sample photos of the lens.

For more sample photos and videos, you are welcome to visit my YouTube channel

You Can Get The Lens From My Recommended Retailer: Amazon 

>>Check Here All Canon Lens Reviews<<

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  • This is the best interesting article.I am having a friend who is a photographer and he usually gains profit from taking clear and nice photo.He have been searching the information about the best camera with the best lens in order to have the best photos.Thank for for giving the clue of the lens.

    Best wishes

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