Create Online Photo Album – Fine Art America Review

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My Online Photo Album Through Fine Art America

Photographers have a developing number of choices with regards to selling photographs yet it can, in any case, be hard to realize how to sell them online. Stock photography websites are not the only choice.

Distinctive organizations have created approaches to offer photographers some assistance with selling their work online through their own site, and a large portion of these alternatives take into consideration the offer of both computerized (downloadable) documents and, in addition, prints. Some of them even handle the printing and satisfaction for you.

Create Online Photo Album

There are many Print-On-Demand, also called POD, in short, destinations on the web. So which is the POD site that I lean toward, the site where to keep the greater part of the work that is offered as prints? It is (also known as FAA).


Website: Finaartamerica

Over the time, it has been positioned as high as 2.783 on the planet while a large portion of its activity originates from the USA, where it came to as high as 1900 position. It was possessed by a few elements, such as, Sean Broihier of Sean Broihier and Associates LLC, and it was facilitated by Hostway Services Inc. and SouthWeb Ventures.

Create Online Photo Album Through Fine Art America

Obviously, FAA furnishes you with gallery space and custom page-building devices, and also picture facilitating. They have an interesting zoom work that permits customers to see precisely what a bit of your picture looks like at full determination.

The zoom capacity will guarantee potential purchasers that the last picture is of high caliber. On the off chance that you utilize the POD ability, you will see that the matting and framing appear to be sensibly valued (which means they are not price-gauging to make benefits). There is a strong search facility, and gathering by labels, media, shading, and subject.

The main other tips I can consider is to work out the gallery structure ahead of time and make those galleries on the site. When you transfer a picture, you can pick one or more galleries by checking multiple boxes, so it is simpler to have every one of them accessible to you. Your photograph will then show up under numerous groupings in your exhibitions. Likewise, take note of that your pictures won’t promptly be accessible for search.

For clients who pay the yearly charge ($30 U.S.), FAA naturally makes a site only for you. You can even have your own particular area name diverted to this site.

Your artist site requires no extra work on your part; however, in the event that you need to, you can tweak it to some degree. An awesome aspect concerning this site is that guests see just your work and none of the work of other different members on FAA. Case in point, if guests do a search on your site, just your works appear in the outcomes.


In case you are a photographer, there is a licensing program that permits individuals intrigued by utilizing your online photography for their business tries to buy non-exclusive license agreements.

The website handles the agreement, expense accumulation, and the conveyance of the high-resolution file.

You should simply watch the expense get credited to your record! Note that they do include a 30% imprint up the top of your expense.

Fixed Mark-Ups

As far as I can tell, one of the greatest advantages that FAA showcases are markups.

On FAA you indicate your bonus for a print deal as a dollar sum and you also set a markup for every print size.

On the other hand, practically every other POD site has you indicate your bonus as a rate of the aggregate deal, which makes it hard for you to know the amount you will get for a deal and once in a while (contingent upon how they do the math) can make your works a great deal more costly than they would be on FAA for the same final commission.

Other Features

Other features of the site were to create online photo albums are:

Photographers can also sell originals. The e-mail marketing campaign is available. Members can generate discount codes or they can have limited-time promotions. Members can benefit from social aspects like organized Groups or Contests.


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  • First of all, your site is awesome!
    You have thought of everything.

    First impression, I didn’t see it was about a review, so I wanted to create a photo album…stupid me.

    The review certainly will attract people to the website of FAA.
    You say it in your own words, that’s a good thing.

    I didn’t hear of it before and immediately went there!
    Great support for artists, so I will say it forward to a few colleagues of mine.

    Is the website only meant for artists or also for people who wants a photo album?

    Can’t say anything bad about your website.
    Great website overall!

    • This site for artistes and buyers also who wants to get photos in many shapes either prints or on the shirts, mugs etc. & anybody can create his own gallery and sell it online through fine art America Thanks for your comment.

  • I am not a photographer by trade but found this article very informative. I have frequents stock photo sites and never knew there were other options out there. What is a good starting price per photo for a newbie to start selling at? Also, these albums on FFA, are they searchable from say Google or can someone only find your album within that site or if you send the link? I am just wondering how easy it is for potential customers to find your work. I think that would make a great deal of difference. Great article! Well done!

    • Hello Heather, thanks for your comment actually fine art America is recommending $17 for the ordinary print, & regarding your question about that people I can find your photos through Google the answer is no oly they can find it by searching inside fine art America & whatever tags you put people can reach your photo by writing the keyword which you mentoned in your photo tag.

  • I’ve never heard of Fine Art America before, but it does sound pretty good. Paying just $30 per year for them to create a website for you, that’s very good value. I assume they also take their cut of the profits when you sell your work, right? Surely they can’t make much money just from charging people $30 per year for websites.

    But I am intrigued by the name of this site. It makes it sounds like it’s for fine art, but you mention it for photography as well. Do they accept photos too? I also wonder how well photos sell in comparison to fine art.

    • Hello Marcus, Fine Art America contain photographs as well as paintings & other arts I sold some photos and my gallery only have arount 40 photos so ot’s a great place to sell your photos online.

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