Long Shutter Speed Photography – How To Apply it?

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blurry sea

Long exposure photography implies utilizing a long shutter speed, and also a tripod, and regularly a remote shutter release. The subsequent impact is to strongly catch stationary components of a scene while smearing, blurring, or darkening any moving components.

It’s a delightful impact and can prompt unbelievably excellent pictures. In this gathering, we’ve assembled some valuable information and some tips to offer you some assistance with trying it yourself!

Main long shutter speed photography genres 

As mentioned above, long shutter speed photography techniques can be used with moving objects.

The main genres where long shutter speed photography can be applied are:

Landscapes – to blur moving clouds, or even waving grass; Seascapes – it will help you soften the water or make it smoother; Architecture – it will help you to blur skies, you can add soft streaks of clouds or you may make the crowds on the street blurred; People – it is very useful to make blurred appearances of crowds.

Long shutter speed photography effects: 

Light trails

light trails

Activity headlight and tail light trails give a dazzling impact and are an awesome approach to get to know long exposure times.

Select an occupied street that has bunches of activity. Utilize a solid tripod and position the camera with the goal that it has a review of the zone.

Utilize an aperture of f/16 or smaller for a more noteworthy profundity of the field, making a large portion of the picture in core interest. The longer the exposure, the more light trails will show up and the longer they will seem.

Star trails

The long shutter speed photography on a starry night can deliver wonderful star trails made by the stars and the turn of the earth.

An ideal approach to outline the picture is to incorporate a component of interest, for example, an old tree in a closer view. Place your camera on a tripod and center the lens to infinity.

You’ll need to utilize a remote shutter release to take out a camera shake of any sort.

Set the camera to shooting mode and set your aperture between f/2.8 and f/4 for ideal results. Use the remote to open the screen. You ought to keep your ISO at 100 to keep the advanced clamor at the lowest rate.

To finish the photograph after your chosen time, press the remote once more, and then release the screen. These exposures can be 15 minutes to a few hours in length.


No Windows desktop would be finished without in any event having one wallpaper with that velvety, cloud-like impact in a waterway whereby the water looks like mist running and floating through the stones. This impact is ideal for giving a more quiet and serene scene for instance in waterfalls rather than the water smashing between the stones.

It’s not only for water that long exposure can help however any scene picture can be made to feel somewhat gentler and simpler on the eye by utilizing the system, with the sensational complexity of dim and light hues adding an emotional impact to even the most conventional appearing settings.

Blurry Sea Waters

blurry sea

To catch that sensational look of the sea and the sky, you ought to use the astonishing light of the most recent hour before the sun sets.

Take after the fundamentals of photography – set the camera on a tripod, utilize a wide-edge lens with the littlest aperture conceivable, and center to infinity.

Turn the mode dial of the camera to Manual or Bulb shooting mode and utilize a long shutter speed.

The more extended the exposure the cloudier the water shows up. Utilize your camera timer or a link discharge to bring the photograph with truly no obscuring. Try not to utilize streak on the grounds that it could demolish the impact in the picture.

The Recommended Settings

The primary concern while settling on the right exposure is the way to catch both the shadows and, in addition, the highlights.

If you are effective in acquiring the right shadows, you will have the capacity to create a magnificent scene that will bring you compliments. At the point when taking long exposures, the key is to keep the shutter open just sufficiently long for the craved impact.

On the off chance that you keep the screen open too long, you’ll lose the subtle elements in whatever light source is enlightening your subject and you may even lose the capacity to recognize what the subject is.

At the point When attempting to make a light trail, then the shutter ought to be open for no less than 1 second, and in this way requires a tripod.

Use shutter priority mode and begin with 1-second speed and see what the outcome is; if the trail is too short, include 2 seconds, and afterward, continue including 2 seconds until you get the lighting impact that you need (the magnificence of computerized photography is that you’ll know quickly).

On the off chance that you have an excessive amount of blurring, then the shutter was open too long, and you have to reduce the time to possibly an entire second.


At long last, there is some information about what you should or should not do, but the best thing about photography is that you can, in a split of second, survey and see precisely what you have recently shot, along these lines the best counsel that can be offered is to go out and shoot your heart’s substance, test, and have some good times!

Walkthrough this video:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the article if you have any questions just post below & I will be happy to answer you.

Read also Fast Shutter Speed Article.

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  • Hi there,

    Loved reading this. Brilliant article. I never knew there are so many ways to bring photos to life using slow release photography. The obvious ones, you covered, like light trails, and landscapes (I need to do that more when photographing waterfalls!) also the not so obvious you covered rather well also, like the sea for a blurry ocean, and star trails..quite brilliant..I’d have never thought of that.

    • Hi Derek, Long shutter speed technique can take your photos to an interesting level for me I love taking photos with that technique. thanks for your comment.

  • Hi Ehab. Lots of good information here to get people started on this type of photography. The pictures are wonderful. Yes I have one of those soft waterfall pictures on my desktop sometimes Haha. You obviously have a great deal of passion for photography and have a wealth of experience to share. Good luck.

  • This is really great information I am so bad at photography and I need to become good at it and fast for my business! My biggest problem is proper lighting do you have a recommendation for getting the “yellow” out of the background of photos? I tried using bluish or whitish lighting but I can never get the angling right. Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks so much for this awesome information!

    • Hello Will, thanks for commenting here, Actually my favorite editing program is adobe lightroom, you can read my lightroom review here & you will get the answer of your question there.

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