Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

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Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

Recently Adobe has made a tremendous update to Photoshop, including major creative features that are powered by Artificial intelligence machine learning technology, like Neural Filters, Sky Replacement, Refine Hair selection, and more. After this update, the company is calling Photoshop “The world’s most advanced AI application for creatives.”

In the article I will talk about “Neural Filters”, which are the highlight of this release (Photoshop ver. 22.0). They provide you, for example, with new artistic and restorative filters for improving portraits. The portrait features allow you to change where people are looking, change the angle of the light source, and “change hair thickness, the intensity of a smile, or add surprise, anger, or make someone older or younger. The amazing thing is that you can make them in just a click or two, and without any editing experience.

There are two “featured” filters and 6 “beta” filters at first, as shown below:

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

The featured filters

I am not going to explain how each filter is working because there is really nothing to explain and all the filters are fully automated, only very little interactions is required from you. It worth mentioning that most of the filters use the cloud to complete their processing, so you need to give it some time. I will give an example for each filter in order to realize its editing capability and the features it offers. Let us start!

Skin smoothing

There are two sliders “Blur” and “Smoothness” to control the skin smoothing.

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

Style Transfer

The style filter contains 30 different styles, and you have options to determine the strength of style, brush size, and blurring the background.

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

Smart Portrait

When you choose the smart portrait filter a menu popup as shown below

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

  • Expression (Happiness-Surprise-Anger)

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


  • Facial age

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


  • Gaze

It allows you to control the direction of your subject’s eyes

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


  • Hair thickness

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


  • Head direction

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


  • Light direction

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


Makeup Transfer

It allows you to copy the makeup of another photo to your subject.

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


Depth aware Haze

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters



Photoshop New Neural AI Filters


Super Zoom

Photoshop New Neural AI Filters

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  • This has been a very interesting and fascinating read about the new Artificial Intelligence filters that can be used with Photoshop. I knew about certain features like changing or blurring the background, but to be able to change the direction of the gaze and even turn the head, is amazing. It is also a bit scary to see what can be changed through AI.

  • Wow , I enjoyed the read. I am so interested in photography or maybe I should just say good photos,lol, but have not given myself time to learn. Your article make it all sounds simple and doable. I really like the filters , I am just concerned that using them , you might really just end up with a totally different person. Thank you for the eye opening articles.

  • Hello there thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful piece  of information here with us. I must say i really did enjoyed going through your review as it contains valuable informations one needs to be aware of. I have not tried out these new neural ai filters yet because i don’t know how to go about using it

    • Thanks for your comment, I think you can use those filter to edit and change the composition of your portrait photos as mentioned in the tutorial

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