Creating 3D Text in Photoshop

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In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create basic 3D text in Photoshop , then adding some light and creating shadows, and change the textures and the materials of the text surfaces. In the end, we will learn how to use Image Based Lighting to create a reflective light falling on the surfaces of the text. Let us begin!

How to create a basic 3D text

In this example, we will use the extrusion method to create the 3D text. Extrusions are the primary method of creating 3D objects in Photoshop. We take a 2D shape and push it back in the Z-axis to create a 3D object

Step 1

Create a New Document

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Enter the width and the height of your document, set your resolution and the color of the background

Step 2

Select the Type Tool from the tool panel, or press T

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 3

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Select the font and the text color from the option bar. You may also select the size of your text but it is not necessary at this point since you can easily change it later, as we will see.

Step 4

Type your text, and then press the checkmark to accept

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 5

Resize your text by using the transformation tool, Press (Ctrl + T). Press and hold the Shift key to maintain the aspect ratio and use the Handles to change the font size and location.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 6

Change the text layer to 3D. Make sure that the 3d is checked in the windows main menu, choose 3d Extrusion, press create.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 7

The layer and the 3D panels are shown below

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 8

You can change the way you look at your text using the camera at the left bottom of the screen.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 9

The final step is to use the render button to finalize the image

The rendering process may take a considerable time depending on the complexity of your photo and the speed of your computer processor.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

How to add and change the text’s material, and surface deformation

The material creates the visual appearance of the 3D object’s surface. Texture, reflectivity, bump maps, etc. Photoshop comes with 36 material presets. Deformation defines the shape of the surfaces of an object; you can make it spherical, beveled, or inflated.

In the following example, I will illustrate How to add and change the text’s material, and surface deformation.

Step 1

Repeat the steps of the last example to step 8. I will use the letter “D” instead of “text” to show you the effect clearly.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

From the 3D layer, click on the 3D text layer to change the texture. You can also click on any one of the underneath layers to only change it.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

The mesh properties panel shows up in the photo below.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 2

From the mesh property panel, choose one of the shape presets, and you can adjust the extrusion depth.

Step 3

From the Deform and Cap properties panels, you can also add different effects.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 4

To change the material of any surface of the 3D model, click on its layer and the properties panel will appear, choose from the available materials.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 5

Click the Render to finalize the image.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

How to add light to the scene

You can add a light source to make a shadow and change the lighting of the scene. I have changed the black background of the previous example to show the dropped shadow.

Step 1

Click on the symbol of the light bulb at the bottom of the 3D menu, and choose the light type.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 2

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Move the handle to change the direction of the light. From the property’s panel choose the color of the light and the intensity of the shadow

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 3

Render the image. The final image is shown below

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Another example is shown below

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

How to make a reflection

In the following example, I will explain a technique used to make the surfaces of the text reflective. The reflective light is coming from another image, which is used as an Image Base Lighting. The 3D surfaces of the text must be changed to have high metallic (reflective) values.

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Step 1

Open the image in Photoshop, and duplicate the layer

Step 2

Blur the image, using Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur

Step 3

Use the above examples to create a 3D text

Step 4

From the mesh properties of the text, choose the “Inflate” from the shape preset (It is the 5th shape preset)

Step 5

From the material properties of the all shape layers, move the Metallic slider to its maximum, and the Roughness slider to its minimum

Step 6

Choose Environment from the 3D layer

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 7

From the properties panel of the environment. Make sure that IBL (Image Based Lighting) is checked, and click New Texture

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

A new menu will show up, click O.K

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 8

Choose Edit Texture, a new tap is opened.

Step 9

Copy the background layer (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) it in the new tap

Use Image > Reveal All to show the whole image. Then save the image (Ctrl + S)

The 3D panel  is shown below

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Step 10

The 3D image will look like the photo below

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Move the inside circle to change the reflection on the surfaces of the 3D text. When satisfied, click render

The final image is shown below

Creating 3D Text Photoshop


More examples

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Creating 3D Text Photoshop

Related posts

Create 3D Image – Photoshop Beginner’s Guide


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  • This is a great way to actually be a path of this training, i want to sincerely thank you for posting this here about ehab photography and how to design a 3D picture. this has been very helpful and i would like to know which application or software do you use often for 3D or 2D photoshop?

  • That is cool a fully detailed tutorial, you have put a lot of work into that post well done. You got to love technology programs like photoshop just keep on getting better as technology advances making effects like this easier and more realistic.

    Keep these sort of tutorials coming I might get good at this stuff.

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