Canon EF 40mm F/2.8 STM Review

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Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 STM


In spite of being lightweight and compact, this lens is solidly assembled. The lens barrel is developed from top-notch plastics and the lens mount is made of metal. At the point When mounted on a camera, for example, the Canon EOS 1Ds, the lens is barely seen from the body by around a large portion of an inch, which ought to make it the ideal friend for smaller full-edge bodies, for example, the Canon 5D cameras, or even reduced passage level models. The 1.6x crop element will bring about a field of perspective equal to a short telephoto 64mm lens.

Self-adjust is extremely quick and exact. A clamor is made by the engine amid centering, which sounds much the same as what robots do in science fiction movies, yet it is quiet enough to not bring about many issues. Not at all like Canon’s USM lenses, its full-time manual override is conceivable by keeping the shutter catch half depressed whilst concentrating, as opposed to simply snatching the focus ring. A meager manual focus ring, that is damped simply enough, gives control to this. A little switch on the lateral of the lens permits the exchange between autofocus and manual rapidly.

Focusing is not internal however the 52mm channel string does not rotate either, making this lens perfect for use with polarizing and graduated channels.

Product Photos:

Canon EF 40mm F/2.8 STM Specifications

General SpecificationCanon EF 40mm F/2.8 STM
Focal Length40 mm
Camera Mount TypeCanon EF metal mount with full-frame and APS-C SLRs, and EOS M using an adapter
Format Comitability35mm full frame
Angle of View56.8º (full frame), 37.1º (APS-C)
Minimum Focus Distance11.8” or 0.3m
Actual Weight130 g (4.6 oz)
Aperture Range-Wide/ Long f/2.8-22
Focus Ring Rotation120
Lens Hood Included?NO
Image StabilizationNO
Case Included?NO
Year Introduced?2012

Technical Specifications


Sharpness results are exceptionally great and the 40mm gives great results right over the frame totally open. There is little need to stop down more for sharpness, however, the lens keeps on giving superb results on ceasing down further until diffraction softening begins to turn perceptible at F11 and smaller apertures.

Chromatic Aberration

The resistance towards chromatic aberration is great with the Canon 40mm 2.8 STM. In the event that it shows up at all in your photos, it will be seen as red-green bordering in regions of high differentiation, and predominantly toward the edges of the frame.

Shading or ”Vignetting”

Vignetting is unimportant, as normal for a full outline lens utilized on APS-C.

Corner shading is not generally a problem when the lens is mounted on the sub-outline Canon 7D; at F2.8, the great corners of the casing will be 1/3EV darker than the inside. At other openings, corner shading is non-existent.

It’s marginally diverse on the full outline 1Ds; at F2.8, the corners are just about a full stop darker than the focal point of the casing. At F4, this lightens to only a half-stop darker than the middle, and at whatever other gap, corners are 1/3 EV darker than the inside.


Distortion is very much controlled, with 0.5% barrelling. The low level of distortion ought to pose a few issues for typical shooting. On the off chance that completely straight lines are vital, then you will be happy to hear that the distortion example is uniform over the casing, which ought to make corrections easy to apply.

Buy this lens for:

Road & Travel:

With its small size, this lens is appropriate for unpretentious road photos and general travel. The central length and magnification (0.18 x) regard cover everything from tight representations to (little) gatherings of individuals. Clearly, it is not a wide angle lens and along these lines can’t cover more extensive scenes. The good maximum opening of f/2.8 backings the quick shutter speeds required for some road photography.


At the point when utilized with an APS-C camera, the 40mm 2.8 STM has a viable central length of 64 mm which is useful for portraits. Additionally, the maximum aperture is appropriate for representation photography, however, a few pictures may require even lower f-stops.

Outstandingly the Canon 40mm 2.8 STM makes an exceptionally pleasant and smooth foundation blur that is awesome for portraits.


Well, the Canon 40mm 2.8 STM is one of the initial two Canon lenses to highlight an STM centering engine which was at first created to permit self-adjust operation amid video recording.

On the off chance that you are shooting video, you will positively require more than one lens yet this one works entirely well with video and the manual focus operation is exceptionally smooth.

Don’t Buy this lens if:

A few individuals might well scrutinize the lens’ focal length. 40mm is a moderately new number on a full casing, similar to the 64mm-equal it offers on APS-C SLRs. People may consider it to be a perfect central length on APS-C for broadly useful photography, and positively would not prescribe it as the main lens to possess; it is best used to supplement a unit zoom. In any case, the short telephoto impact can be helpful for head-and-shoulder representations, and the bigger opening contrasted with pack zoom offers better foundation blur and low-light execution.

It is never going to be the main decision in the event that you need a lens to give highly blurred backgrounds and shallow depth of field, however.


The 40mm 2.8 STM is a little lens and it’s minor size and generally, low cost may make you ponder whether noteworthy bargains have been made in its outline and development. Be that as it may, the minute you begin shooting with it and taking a gander at the pictures it creates, such ideas quickly vanish because it is really a fine lens. The primary distinction from different primes is its generally moderate maximum aperture, however, that is truly an element of its size, and the resultant small measurements imply that it is a lens you can bear with all of you the time and scarcely take note.

Canon set out to make their first pancake lens and they did it the right by associating good components with an unimaginably little size at a satisfactory cost. I am certain numerous individuals will love the lens only for its size and the way it feels however even past that the 40mm 2.8 STM has a great deal to offer.

One More Thing.

For $150 (since November 2012) I feel like this ought to be an easy decision, so buy it in the event that you need the littlest lens that Canon at present produces.

It does significantly lessen the physical size of your equipment, which is very valuable for road photography applications, likewise, how about we do not overlook how adorable and little it is!

Walk through the below video to see the sample photos of the lens.

You Can Get The Lens From My Recommended Retailer: Amazon

>>Check Here All Canon Lens Reviews<<

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