landscape photography tips and tricks – Shoot like a pro

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Landscape Photography Tips and Suggestions to Improve Your Pictures


Shooting photographs of natural environments, known most commonly as landscape photography, is one of the most popular and fun ways to get started in the art of taking pictures. While it may seem simple to snap a couple of photos of a mountain or a hillside, it can be a bit more complicated than point and shoot. So to help make it easier, here are a few simple landscape photography tips and techniques.

Slow it Down

A standout amongst the most important things about landscape photography is details. The more detail you can get in your landscape pictures, the better your final image will look. Keeping in mind the end goal to get a maximum profundity of the field and have the capacity to capture the smallest detail, close your F stop as much as conceivable and utilize a slower speed film or setting with a more drawn-out introduction.

Locate a Focal Point

What is it about certain photographs of mountains that make them appealing, when others look exhausting? The answer is regularly found in the focal purpose of the image. Regardless of what subject you’re shooting, you have to settle for what will be an important part of that image and frame your shot accordingly. Landscape photography gives a lot of focal focuses – search for trees, mountains, or rock formations and works from that point.

River and mountains

Take a stab at Using a Filter

There are huge amounts of channels available for cameras, each of which serves a specific sort of photography. Polarizing channels will darken the sky in your image and construct contrast in the hues, which will lead to a more dynamic and intriguing image when it’s an ideal opportunity to print. Any time you’re shooting landscapes, always consider the contrast before you start shooting. Images that are all one shading or tone aren’t fascinating. You may check the post ” Camera lens filters explained

polarizing filters

Time it Right

Contingent on the sort of landscape you’re shooting, different times of the day are either going to help you or hurt you. Since the sun ascends in the east and sets in the west, the overall appearance of a landscape can be dramatically different in the morning than it is at sunset, so plan on catching the ideal angle. The two best times of the day for landscapes are usually morning and night as the pitched shadows will add measurement to your images.

Landscape Photography Suggestions:

UtilizeΒ A Tripod

Amateur and advanced photographers alike will benefit from the utilization of a tripod to stabilize their camera. Compact and DSLR cameras are all prepared to sit on a tripod stand. This causes for screen rate to be stretched when taking a photograph, allowing in additional light and lessening the danger of lens obscure.

camera on tripod

CharacterizeΒ The Subject

A fantastic landscape shot is all the more than simply the general disregard of an area; they have a focal point that draws the viewer’s eye in. The focal point may be an intriguing tree in the focal point of the image or a mountain range out there. Whatever you consider as the subject attempt to maintain this in the front line of your psyche as you make the photograph give it the photograph visual interest.


The human brain finds partitioning a plane into thirds to be the most visually appealing. At the point when making a photograph, attempt to place the skyline line one-third from the base of the frame, or 33% from the roof in lieu of straightforwardly in the center. For more composition tips you may check my post “10 rules for photo composition

Landscape of a city

UtilizeΒ Light To Your Advantage

Photographers as often as possible allude to the most optimal time of day to capture an image as “the brilliant hour”. There are two brilliant hours amid a day, the first hour directly after dawn, and also the last hour before nightfall. The light is at a low angle and conveys pleasing shadows, delicate tones, and a natural brilliant contrast.

Similarly, days that happen to be marginally overcast are also great for landscape photography because the mists act as a natural channel. The light is even, and harsh overhead shadows are diminished. Attempt and stick away from harsh early afternoon lighting when conceivable.

A bridg

Be Prepared To Hike

The most beautiful landscape photograph is generally not off of the main road. Frequently photographers should climb or bicycle to their destination for the absolute best. Be ready to care for your photography hardware through a trail, together with a GPS, and area maps. Probably the most rewarding landscape photography images are captured with only a touch of scouting and adventure.


Work With Your Gear

Any digital camera may take a decent landscape shot if formed successfully and under the right lighting conditions. To take your landscape photography further, consider purchasing a DSLR, wide-angle, and zoom lens. A more extensive-angle lens, for example, a 24mm, gives a broader viewpoint of a landscape. On the other hand, the zoom and prime lenses take you more like a subject in nature and will give a different point of view in the same environment.

Another cheap addition to any DSLR lens is a polarizing channel. This channel screws onto a lens and contrast the sky and convey more saturation to the tones found in nature and captured in video form or memory card.

The most significant of all landscape photography tips is always to continually take photographs. Practice will allow you to sharpen your abilities. Indeed, even a gifted photographer anticipates taking several photographs in one sitting with the potential that just a handful may perhaps turn out. An essential aspect is getting a charge out of the earth and finding its beauty. Capturing the photograph is essentially the final stride of the procedure.

Always Have aΒ Tripod

Although carrying a tripod is a pain, it is necessary for utilizing longer exposures so you can get the best possible amount of detail in your landscape. Utilizing a tripod will give you the chance to take the same picture with different exposures and will forestall image obscure. Image obscure can be an issue when you’re utilizing a moderate screen rate (anything under 60 is too low to guarantee clarity without a tripod).

Landscape photography is one of the ideal ways to start as a photographer. You don’t have to deal with impatient subjects, you have a reason to go outside and experience nature, and you get to visually recount the narrative of that day’s trip. With a little thought and the right hardware, you’ll soon be shooting beautiful landscapes that you’ll glad to display in a photo frame on your wall.

Walkthrough the below video:

See also the best canon lenses for landscape


Thanks for reading, if you have any comments just post them below & I will be glad to answer you πŸ™‚

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  • I’ve done some landscape photography on previous vacations, but I’m sure my digital camera doesn’t do as good a job as your cameras do. Have you ever done any video photography? I just tried it on my trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains and Eastern Shore of Virginia. I tried to hold it by hand, but probably should have used the tripod more so some of the videos didn’t come out as shaky.

    • Yeah Kevin, I tried to shoot video photography before & sure there is a big difference between digital cameras & DSLR’s. digital cameras are for amateurs & always don’t give sharp photos because of slow shutter & bad aperture opening, you can go to course main page from here if you are interested to know more about DSLR cameras & lenses specially Canon.

  • Hello Ehab!

    Great tips on photography here. Although I am not an enthusiast by any means, I do appreciate a professionally taken photograph. I understand that taking a decent shot, is not as easy as it seems.

    All your tips are very well explained, however, before I even put those tips to good use, I need to work on my stability in holding the camera first. It may seem stupid, but do you know if this just gets better with practice? Or do I just not have the talent for it?

    Thanks a lot for your great article =)

    • Hello Farhan, thanks for dropping by, it’s by knowledge first & then practice you don’t have to be talent.

      I recommend to read my photography course page you will find the tab on the top bar.

  • Hi Ehab,

    Is there a technique on how you can take a landscape shot nicely even if it is against the light? For example, you reached a location (you are a tourist) at the wrong time and you know you are not coming back to that place again. Is there a way to still capture a nice shot?

    • Yeah sure you can by using fill flash technique if you want the object in the foreground to appear in balanced exposure with the background also you can use ND Or Polarizing filters to cut down reflections or you can take advantage of the direct light & take stunning silhouette photos, check these articles you will find them useful to you:

      Silhouette Photography
      Flash Photography Tips
      Camera Lens Filters

      Wish you the best with your photography shots πŸ™‚

  • Very interesting article. Probably photography is a real art. I am at school; this is what about40 years ago, visited the student photo club. We were taught various tricks and stunts.
    There was a need to develop film and at the red light should be rendered pictures. I guess those days only the most modern are coming back, and it is great.

  • I love doing landscape and nature shots and especially those with rivers or any body of water to get some awesome reflections as well.

    For me, photography is very motivating and I will hike as much as I need to in the quest for some great shots.

    Great tips and keep up the great work! πŸ™‚

  • I love these tips because as a ameture photographer myself, I’ve learned to master a lot of these shortcuts for awesome shots. For instance, when I need certain kind of lighting Ithink will be cool for a shot, I wait for the right time of day. Also, I ALWAYS use filters I dont care what anyone says. Thanks man!

    look me up

  • Nice blog on how to do landscape photography. I’m a nature and wildlife photographer and love getting outdoors to do my photography. You have some great tips on you’re site.

    I really love using the polariser filer it really helps a lot on things like making skies bluer and taking the glare out of water.

    Thank you for the tips!

    • Thanks David for your comment, yeah you are right polarizing filters are great and enhance the quality of the photos too.

  • Hi there, great post on landscape photography. I absolute agree with you that most of the time, the most beautiful landscape is inaccessible.

    I remember once I climbed to Mount Rinjani (volcano in Indonesia), and I was cursing on my way up. But the landscape at the peak was so rewarding!

    Another equipment I used a lot is Lee Filter. It works amazing! It is worth getting one set with 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 NB.

    Hey, I really enjoy your post here! I will come back for more! Keep up the good work!!

  • Great information, and seriously stunning shots. You ar really gifted! This is the first time I have seen the actual difference made by a polarizer.
    The focal points are interesting too – do you keep the focal point dead centre, and is the tripod necessary to maintain the focus point in a landscape shot?

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